LeT's read!

The world is full of precious books that no one reads (Umberto Eco, italian philosopher and writer)

© Marck Castelló, 2024

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Short story

About the author

Marck Castelló was born in Barcelona in 1974. He has a law degree and is a specialist in criminal law. For a long time he combined the practice of law with writing and painting.

As an illustrator, he has collaborated on several issues of Catarsi (a science fiction magazine in Catalan), as well as on the short story collection “Montseny amb un somriure” (2020). 

«El Mecanisme» (2021) is his first novel.

His way of writing is direct, without superfluous ornamentation, with a simple fut intentionally chosen vocabulary. The style is eclectic, integrating in his work genres as diverse as crime novels, thrillers and fantasy, peppered with a strong dose of humor.

The author writes by hand, with a fountain pen and usually at night, in the small office he has at home. However, he always carries a notebook, which allows him to work, if he finds a moment, elsewhere.

Manuscript of El Mecanisme

the mechanism


Daniel is a twenty-two-year-old student who suffers from narcolepsy, a neurological disorder that causes him to fall asleep during the day. His life is insubstantial until, one friday night, he is involved in a shootout. As a result of this, Daniel discovers that someone is killing the people who appear on a mysterious list, and both he and Andrea (the other protagonist of the story) appear on it. Both are targets to eliminate.

"They have tried to kill me, they want to rip my teeth out. Be alert. It could happen to you".



Stonberg Editorial (catalan edition: june 2021)

Pages: 218

Format: rustic with flaps

ISBN: 978-84-123413-8-6

Characters as diverse as a psychiatrist addicted to sex, a collector of human teeth and a girl with a disfigured face appear throughout the chapters. An object called Fervet's Mechanism also appears, capable of relating the present with past events that follow the same pattern.

Original illustration that appears in the work

Like all things made with soul, El Mecanisme has been written by hand, on glossy paper and with a fountain pen. The original work occupies a total of thirteen notebooks, without taking into account subsequent revisions and rewritings.

Readers comments:

Original manuscript of the work


Literary influences and references - Relevant works


All readers seek, through literature, stories that make us live unique and exciting experiences. And it is through this search that, from time to time, we discover unforgettable books and writers, capable of stirring something within us. The admiration we feel for them makes them referents, and is what makes some readers also want to be writers.




It. Before Stephen King, never had such a short word said so much.



There is a temptation to imitate the writers we like, but no matter how hard we try, we can never resemble them. Because if they attract our attention it is precisely because they are very different from us. In addition, we all have a unique and particular point of view on the world around us, and it is that point of view that is reflected in everything we do, whether we are aware of it or not. The element comes as standard, we cannot choose it.




A good coffee always goes well when writing or reading.



With a bit of luck, the authors we admire will be able to leave us touches of their style, or a bit of their grace and clairvoyance. But where their importance really lies is that they are capable of stimulating our creativity, pushing us to want to do something similar, even remotely.




Some of the books I have on the shelves at home.



We all have our preferences, and for me, the TOP 12 of the best books that have been written are the following:


- Sinuhé, el ecipcio (Mika Waltari)

- La historia interminable (Michael Ende)

- La dama de las camelias (Alexandre Dumas, fils)

- It (Stephen King)

- La otra parte (Alfred Kubin)

- El lugar (Mario Levrero)

- Pandora al Congo (Albert Sánchez Piñol)

- El valle de las luces (Stephen Gallagher)

- Clase nocturna (Tom Piccirilli)

- Solaris (Stanislaw Lem)

- Pórtico (Frederik Pohl)

- Seda (Alessandro Baricco)


* I have put the title in the language in which I have read them.




"Sinhué el egipcio" is, in my opinion, one of the best novels in world literature.



These works have given me elements that no other book has been able to give me, they have made me move and have meant that, for one reason or another, I have not been able to get them out of my head. And thanks to them I write. It must be said that the order of the list is interchangeable, each of these books is equally special to me. They are all fantastic and extraordinary, without a doubt masterpieces of world literature.


But the world of lyrics is very wide, and when I make a TOP 20 I will also include Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, and Hellraiser, by Clive Barker (although it may sound strange to someone). There should also be some of Phillip K. Dick's short stories, as well as other wonderful books that I haven't had a chance to discover yet.




Some handwritten pages from one of my stories.



And if I were reborn and had to choose someone else to reincarnate, I would have liked to be Dennis Lehane (his Kenzie & Gennaro series represents the absolute culmination of crime novels), Mikel Santiago (all his books are good) or Matilde Asensi ( a great teacher of the adventure novel). It would also have been nice to be Marsé (unparalleled), Sánchez Piñol (whose genius has not yet been fully appreciated) or the immeasurable Stephen King, a figure who has contributed more to Western culture than any other living writer.


And, why not, I wouldn't have minded being China Miéville, a terribly original author.


But I admit that I like being who I am. Nobody is perfect.


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© Marck Castelló, 2024

For more information, see catalan or spanish version.


© Marck Castelló, 2022